Check Hp Laptop Serial Number
Open the Linux terminal console by entering Ctrl+Alt+T. When you've opened a window, enter sudo dmidecode -s system-serial-number to return your HP laptop's serial number.
check hp laptop serial number
Using your laptop's serial number, you can look up your model on the HP support website. Also, when you search for your HP laptop's serial number with one of the above methods, you'll find the product or model number nearby.
It's possible to locate the serial number of a stolen HP laptop if you registered it with a tracking app or with one of HP's tracking and recovery services. Another place to look is the product receipt and original packaging. If you enabled Find My Device on Windows 10, you might be able to track your device and lock it remotely.
Can someone please advise if the battery serial number can be checked without physically removing the back number? And is there a high capacity battery option for this model of laptop which I can upgrade to??
Ive checked the forum -product-warranty-api and it doesnt appear any update about the API issue. Could you provide us any advance? What is the plan or timeline to solve it? Is there any other way to check the warranty status in bulk (more than 20 serial number at a time)?
We are not pleased by the fact the HP API Warranty Check does not work anymore. When contacting HP Customer Support they simply say "Use the warranty check on our website. It can process 20 serial numbers at the same time". Unfortunately it seems HP does not seem the recognize the importance for their clients to support their customer base. I also need to check > 1000 serial numbers and I am not happy at all that I can not use an API. I would expect HP, servicing their customers, would propose to simply provide them with a list of all serial numbers so that they can check on our behalf.
We need the purchase dates and warranty expiration dates for these computers so we can keep track of refreshing these devices. Could someone from the HP team reach out to me so I can forward the serial numbers and get the data?
Please use one the method bellow to retrieve the computer serial number: 1. Using the buid in "wmic" command: "wmic bios get serialnumber" Tip: You can use the command "wmic csproduct get name" to retrieve the local computer model. 2. Using a vbs script: On Error Resume Next Dim strComputerstrComputer = InputBox("Enter the name of the computer:") Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "impersonationLevel=impersonate!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colSMBIOS = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_SystemEnclosure") For Each objSMBIOS in colSMBIOSMsgBox strComputer & ": " & objSMBIOS.SerialNumberNext
I have an old Compaq Proliant 1600 with a Pentium III in an office abroad. I have the serial number. How can I find the exact specs of the machine? Is there somewhere online I can type the numbers in to get a read-out of what was shipped?Many thanks
HP Pavilions ship with a serial number used to identify each unit. Unlike the product name and number, which apply to a specific group of units, the serial number is unique to each computer. Business owners who want to know more about their Pavilion's warranty status or need to track the product in case the Pavilion is sent out for repairs can use the serial number to obtain such information.
BIOS, or Basic Input/Output System, is a core processor software in your system. It comes preloaded with a motherboard other than the operating system. You can also use BIOS to check the serial number of your Windows Laptop or PC. For that:
If your laptop is not booting or if you are having any issues while entering the command, then you can also check your laptop serial number embedded on it. Many laptops have serial numbers mentioned below it.
So turn your laptop over and look for S/N or Serial Number. You can see the serial number mentioned along with it. Other than that, the serial number is also mentioned on the box with which your laptop came.
If your Windows laptop has a removable battery, turns out you can view the Serial Number. For that, remove the battery and check if there is any sticker attached to the battery compartment. If yes, then chances are that you could find the serial number from it.
You can find the serial number of your Mac by clicking the Apple logo on the top left corner and then selecting About this Mac. Here mostly at the bottom of the new window, you can see the serial number of your Mac.
You can go to the Lenovo Support website, and select Detect Product to install Lenovo Service Bridge. With this, you can see all the information about your laptop including the serial number.
If you bought a custom PC or a pre-built system from a company like Dell or HP, or you have a laptop, the chances are that there is a sticker somewhere on your computer that has a serial number on it. On a desktop computer, the serial number will likely be found on the back of the computer. For a laptop, the serial number will likely be found on the underside of the chassis.
Ultimately, finding out how old your computer is can be as simple as checking the serial code of the system, punching it into Google, and seeing approximately when it was manufactured. Or, it can be as difficult as using the other three methods listed above and cross-checking them to get a general idea of when your system was built.
Step 2: From the system summary window that opens up; check for BIOS DATE/VERSION from items in the table listed, it provides with the name of the manufacturer and the date the laptop was made.
You need to be aware of the brand (manufacturer) and type (the product) of motherboard to check its supported components In addition, knowing the motherboard version number is also beneficial to finding the BIOS firmware updates from the sites that manufacturer supports. In this moment, the question what motherboard do I have may occur to you.
As described above, to know what motherboard model and serial number you have is very important. Hence, this part will talk about some solutions to find out motherboard model and serial number. You can pick one to check the information freely.
Motherboard model and serial number details can also be found in Windows system information. However, this way sometimes cannot work. If your motherboard is compatible, this method may be the easiest way to check your PC motherboard model and serial number.
When checking warranty coverage, processing a warranty ticket, or working with Intel Customer Service, you may be asked to provide some identification numbers for your Intel NUC device. Use the instructions below to locate these numbers.
The main reason you might need to know your Chromebook serial number is to allow a hardware manufacturer to access your warranty information. Your serial number also lets you prove ownership of your computer, which could be essential if you need to report it as stolen to the police.
A Chromebook serial number provides access to various pieces of data, including what components it contains and how it was manufactured. It also provides details of your warranty and the device's repair history and verifies who owns the Chromebook.
There are several legitimate situations when you might need to share your Chromebook's serial number. For example, a technician might ask for the serial number when you take it for repairs, or you may need to supply the number to register for a product warranty.
It's reasonably unlikely that anyone would use your serial number maliciously. However, there's a slight chance that someone could use it to fraudulently access warranty services or order a replacement device. Therefore, it's best to keep your Chromebook's serial number private unless you need to share it.
Serial numbers are usually printed on stickers or etched into some devices, but if the sticker is removed or worn then you will need to find the number on your device. This article will list how to find serial numbers on a variety of devices.
Identifying the correct laptop brand, series, model number, screen size and resolution is essential to finding the correct part for your laptop. The laptop series is typically more prominently displayed as part of the branding of your laptop, typically on the top cover, or on the keyboard area or display panel area of your laptop when you open it up. However, laptop model numbers are not always easy to find. Please select your laptop manufacturer, below, to get help identifying your correct model and series. Please note that some manufacturers have both a series AND a model number, you will need to identify both of these numbers to find your part. Other manufacturers only require a series to be identified, as shown below.
Now, does anyone know how to get the Serial number off the HP desktops (electronically)? I can see the blasted sticker on the back of the system when I but I really don't think it wise to bother over 500 users for their serial number. Any ideas?
Please look on the bottom cover of your PC to find the Toshiba Model/Serial Sticker Label like below. Or click here to download a Toshiba Product Information tool that will detect and display the PC model and serial number.
Please Remove the battery and find the battery part number and serial number. The battery part number begins with G71C (G71C*******). The battery serial number begins with one or two letters and ends with three letters (A********ABC). You may find the battery part number and battery serial number on the main battery label and/or small labels located on the side of battery pack.* On certain battery packs the battery part number is printed in small lettering. The battery part number will begin with (G71C*******) and is located on a barcode label to the left or bottom of the barcode. If you are unable to read the battery part number you can download our Battery Check Utility by clicking the link at the top of this page.